Gay Sheep and American Politics...
The world is more aware of the intense political debate "gay marriage" is in the United States. However, how about gay sheep!!
scientists in the Oregon State University are experimenting on genetic treatment of "gay sheep" to make it "straight". And there is a hue and cry over it!
However there couple of issues here. This is what my position is...
a: Homosexuality is a genetic defect and (seems to be possibly) curable.
b: If it is a "genetic defect" then the person is as "handicapped" as (say) a wheelchair person and he should get the support of the society (similar to a preferred partaking spot)
c: On the contrary if this is a defect then the "cure" should also be searched.
d: Neither those who want to be rectified be prevented from doing so (either via force or via non availability of procedure) NOR those who do not want to be rectified be forced to take the procedure.
e: The above (d) should also apply to the parents. The parents who wish to take (or risk) adding a genetic potion or strap to prevent the offspring "orientation" being gay should be allowed to do so and those who want to follow the "laissez-faire" forces of nature be allowed too!
That should be a good neoliberal approach. What do you think?
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